Friday, February 1, 2013

Hello DOC

I'm finally doing it, I'm joining the DOC!!!  This is something that I have been wanting to do, maybe because I LOVE the DOC so much and love reading all of the other blogs from other D Momma's, or maybe it's because I need to vent all the frustration that comes with that wretched D word, or maybe it's that I want to be here to help other D families that are feeling the same way I do. Well honestly it's all of it. I'm excited about it!!!
So here it is, about us... we have 3 beautiful kids E is 9, B is 7, F is 5.  E was diagnosed with diabetes in August 2011 so we have been at this for about a year and a half, although most days it still feels new.
E's diagnosis...
Honestly we were very fortunate, we caught it very early, biggest symptoms drinking and restroom all the time. My grandma was Type 1 so the symptoms were branded into my brain at a very young age. My grandma's constant reminders are what made E's diagnosis so apparent even before we went to the Dr. Having always seen my grandma healthy and never seeing any negative impact from her diabetes, had made me very naive when the Dr. told us the news, there were tears,  tears from E, tears from me, and tears from the Dr. I couldn't imagine having to stick my daughter with needles every day for the rest of her life. However being very ignorant, my thoughts were, Ok, so we pick up some insulin and on our way we go, she just needs insulin and she will be great...WRONG!!!  That's when the anchor dropped my heart sank as the Dr tells us, we need to go home and pack up an over night bag and head to the hospital... WAIT, WHAT??? They persist to tell us we could be there anywhere from 1 to 2 days if not longer. OK now panic sets in. In retrospect I know that it made sense to me that they would not just send us home with needles and insulin, but I still had no idea what diabetes really meant and how it would affect life as we knew it. Even after our education at the hospital, I had to go home and live it, without nurses and Dr's helping us to really understand. It didn't take long after being home to realize how much this disease was going to command my respect.  Our first shot went terribly wrong, did the insulin go in? Did it not, these aren't the needles we practiced with at the hospital!!! Home for 5 minutes and we are already on the phone with the Dr., who I am certain, is now questioning his decision to release us after our 24 hour stay.  I was terrified for her to be out of my sight, I was certain, if I could not see her, she was going into insulin shock somewhere. (Ridiculous, I know) First night, lows all night, I then realize I will never sleep soundly again. Instead I will be ever vigilant at my daughters bed side every few hours if not more. Night time is terrifying!!!
We have come along way since that first week home, some days are still hard, some weeks are hard, some days I still break down. But one thing that diabetes has taught me, that I know God has been trying to teach me for a long time, is that every day is a NEW day, yesterday may have been filled with bad #s, but those #'s aren't today's #'s, we get a fresh start TODAY!!!


  1. Hi Jen! Happy to see you join the blogosphere. Some days I hold on to that sentiment to help get me through - tomorrow we can start fresh (sort of). :)

  2. Hey Jen! Welcome to the blogosphere! :D

  3. Welcome to the blogosphere, Jen! Great to have you here, and thank you SO MUCH for sharing your story here. I'm with you: some days are just too much. I've been doing this for a little while myself, and there are incredibly positive and happy times and ones that just... aren't. But the good ones way outweigh the not-so-good, and it's great to have friends in the DOC to share those little victories and struggles with. So, looking forward to reading more down the road!

  4. Hey there - welcome! So glad you are blogging!
