We really wanted to spread awareness that day, even in just the smallest ways. E has been very blessed to have a best friend that also shares a T1 diagnosis, they are in the same class together at school. (I really hate saying that we are blesssed that another little girl is also T1, because that isnt at all what I mean, but me and her mom are always saying that God put them together for a reason, and we LOVE that they have each other everyday).
So I made a shirts, one for E, one for her friend, and 2 for my other 2 children. They loved wearing them!!! E had also asked her class if they would wear blue in support of her and her friend and to raise awareness. I went to the school that day and tried to hold back the tears, as I saw every single child in their class remembered to wear blue that day, and not only that they were so excited to do it!!! I'm sure that those kids had no idea how truley special they made 2 little girls feel that day. That day they didnt feel different, they didnt feel judged that everyone could see their life support that is kept in plain view around their waist. Nope not that day. Instead they answered questions, they rose awareness, and most importantly they felt LOVED by their classmates.
E's sister also was raising awareness in her 1st grade classroom that day where her teacher also asked questions and had her tell about what her sister goes thru in her journey with diabetes.
In addition we had family and friends all through out the country wearing blue and asking others to wear blue. Diabetes had nothing on us that day!!!
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